CONTACT US Ask us a question or Enrol Now! Talk to us about your Maritime CareerFREEPHONE 0800 546 9700(03) 546 Harley Street, Nelson NZ 7010Enquire Here... Fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Contact Us Name * First Last * Last Email * Phone * What would you like to do? * ASK a question about our courses ENROL in the SRL course OtherOther We are here to answer any of your questions, add in your questions and click 'Submit'. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Course Skipper Restricted Limits (SRL) Course Advanced Sea Survival Course Emergency Vessel Handler Would like more info on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) OtherOther Welcome! We are excited to have you onboard. Ensure you have entered your details above and we will get back to you with all the information you need to start your journey to your maritime career! Comments Questions How did you hear about us? * Facebook / Instagram Magazine / Industry Newsletter Through work or a friend Talking to the Skipper Training team OtherOther Captcha Submit Please Note: Australian courses are delivered by an Australian trainer via Zoom classrooms.